Pixel array images of long videos in FFmpeg

Continuing my explorations of FFmpeg for video visualization, today I came across this very nice blog post on creating “pixel array” images of videos. Here the idea is to reduce every single frame into only one pixel, and to plot this next to each other on a line. Of course, I wanted to try this out myself. I find that creating motiongrams or videograms is a good way to visualize the content of videos....

March 20, 2020 · 3 min · 428 words · ARJ

Image size

While generating the videograms of Bergensbanen, I discovered that Max/Jitter cannot export images from matrices that are larger than 32767 pixels wide/tall. This is still fairly large, but if I was going to generate a videogram with one pixel stripe per frame in the video, I would need to create an image file that is 1 302 668 pixels wide. This made me curious as to what type of limitations exist around images....

July 16, 2011 · 1 min · 159 words · ARJ

Difference between videogram and motiongram

For some upcoming blog posts on videograms, I will start by explaining the difference between a motiongram and a videogram. Both are temporal (image) representations of video content (as explained here), and are produced almost in the same way. The difference is that videograms start with the regular video image, and motiongrams start with a motion image. So for a video of my hand like this: we will get this horizontal videogram:...

July 13, 2011 · 1 min · 110 words · ARJ

Videogram of Bergensbanen

While on paternity leave, I (finally) have time to do small projects that require little brain activity and lots of computation time. One of the things I have wanted to do for a long time is to create a videogram of Bergensbanen (which I briefly mentioned last year). This was a project undertaken by the Norwegian broadcast company (NRK), where they filmed (and broadcast live) the entire train trip from Bergen to Oslo....

July 13, 2011 · 2 min · 332 words · ARJ


To allow everyone to watch their own synchronised spectrograms and motiongrams, I have made a small application called AudioVideoAnalysis. Download AudioVideoAnalysis for OS X (8MB) It currently has the following features: Draws a spectrogram from any connected microphone Draws a motiongram/videogram from any connected camera Press the escape button to toggle fullscreen mode Built with Max/MSP by Cycling ‘74 on OS X.5. I will probably make a Windows version at some point, but haven’t gotten that far yet....

June 17, 2008 · 1 min · 132 words · ARJ

Sonification of Traveling Landscapes

I just heard a talk called “Real-Time Synaesthetic Sonification of Traveling Landscapes” (PDF) by Tim Pohle and Peter Knees from the Department of Computational Perception (great name!) in Linz. They have made an application creating music from a moving video camera. The implementation is based on grabbing a one pixel wide column from the video, plotting these columns and sonifying the image. Interestingly enough, the images they get out (see below) of this are very close to the motiongrams and videograms I have been working on....

May 15, 2008 · 1 min · 86 words · ARJ