
I have recently started moving my development efforts over to GitHub, to keep everything in one place. Now I have also uploaded a small application I developed for a project by my mother, Norwegian sculptor Grete Refsum. She wanted to create a timelapse video of her making a new sculpture, “Hommage til kaffeselskapene”, for her installation piece Tante Vivi, fange nr. 24 127 Ravensbrück. There are lots of timelapse software available, but none of them that fitted my needs....

June 25, 2013 · 1 min · 184 words · ARJ

Kinectofon: Performing with shapes in planes

Yesterday, Ståle presented a paper on mocap filtering at the NIME conference in Daejeon. Today I presented a demo on using Kinect images as input to my sonomotiongram technique. Title Kinectofon: Performing with shapes in planes Links Paper (PDF) Poster (PDF) Software Videos (coming soon) Abstract The paper presents the Kinectofon, an instrument for creating sounds through free-hand interaction in a 3D space. The instrument is based on the RGB and depth image streams retrieved from a Microsoft Kinect sensor device....

May 28, 2013 · 1 min · 193 words · ARJ


Earlier this year, before I started as head of department, I was working on a non-realtime implementation of my sonomotiongram technique (a sonomotiongram is a sonic display of motion from a video recording, created by sonifying a motiongram). Now I finally found some time to wrap it up and make it available as an OSX application called ImageSonifyer. The Max patch is also available, for those that want to look at what is going on....

April 6, 2013 · 1 min · 200 words · ARJ


I am currently working on a paper describing some further exploration of the sonifyer technique and module that I have previously published on. The new thing is that I am now using the inputs from a Kinect device as the source material for the sonification, which opens up for using also the depth in the image as an element in the process. To be able to create figures for the paper, I needed to record the input from a Kinect to a regular video file....

January 22, 2013 · 2 min · 252 words · ARJ

New publication: Some video abstraction techniques for displaying body movement in analysis and performance

Today the MIT Press journal Leonardo has published my paper entitled “Some video abstraction techniques for displaying body movement in analysis and performance”. The paper is a summary of my work on different types of visualisation techniques of music-related body motion. Most of these techniques were developed during my PhD, but have been refined over the course of my post-doc fellowship. The paper is available from the Leonardo web page (or MUSE), and will also be posted in the digital archive at UiO after the 6 month embargo period....

January 14, 2013 · 2 min · 231 words · ARJ

New publication: Performing the Electric Violin in a Sonic Space

I am happy to announce that a paper I wrote together with Victoria Johnson has just been published in Computer Music Journal. The paper is based on the experiences that Victoria and I gained while working on the piece Transformation for electric violin and live electronics (see video of the piece below). Citation A. R. Jensenius and V. Johnson. Performing the electric violin in a sonic space. Computer Music Journal, 36(4):28–39, 2012....

January 8, 2013 · 2 min · 290 words · ARJ

Sverm video #4

The last of the four Sverm videos by Lavasir Nordrum hast just been posted on Vimeo. The first short movie was titled Micromovements, then followed Microsounds and Excitation, and the last one is called Resonance. It has been exciting to work with the video medium in addition to the performances, and it has given a very different perspective on the project.

January 2, 2013 · 1 min · 61 words · ARJ

Sverm video #3

Video artist Lavasir Nordrum hast just posted the third of four short movies created together with the Sverm group. The first short movie was titled Micromovements, and the second was titled Microsounds. This month’s short movie is called Excitation, and is focused on the first half of an even or action. This will be followed by a short movie called Resonance to be released on 1 January.

December 5, 2012 · 1 min · 67 words · ARJ

Sverm video #2

As I wrote about last month, the Sverm group has teamed up with video artist Lavasir Nordrum. The plan is that he will create four short and poetic videos documenting four of the main topics we have been working on in the Sverm project. The production plan for the videos is quite tight: we shoot content for the videos during a few hours in the middle of each month, and then Lavasir publishes the final video two weeks later....

November 2, 2012 · 1 min · 92 words · ARJ

Sverm video #1

For the last couple of years I have been involved in an artistic research project called Sverm, in which we investigate the artistic potential of bodily micromovements and microsound. We are currently working towards a series of intimate lab performances in the end of November. As a side-project to the performances, we are also working with video artist Lavasir Nordrum, on the making of four short videos documenting the four main parts of the project: micromovement, microsound, excitation, resonance....

October 10, 2012 · 1 min · 103 words · ARJ