Anechoic chamber at UiO

A couple of weeks ago we had an excursion to an anechoic chamber in the basement of the physics department at the University of Oslo. This room is a remainder from back when there was an acoustics group in Oslo (which later moved to Trondheim), and it was a pure coincidence that we discovered that the old room is still intact, largely thanks to Arnt Inge Vistnes. He also happens to be the person that first introduced me to the Fourier transform back in the days when I studied physics, so he got the challenge of holding a guest lecture for our students in sound theory on the topic of (…) the Fourier transform....

May 7, 2008 · 1 min · 114 words · ARJ

Music Technology blog at the University of Oslo

To help spread information about various things related to music technology at the University of Oslo (and around), I have started the blog Musikkteknologi @ UiO (in Norwegian). It may be of interest also to people outside of UiO.

April 10, 2008 · 1 min · 39 words · ARJ

PhD accepted for public disputation

I am happy to announce that my dissertation entitled “ACTION — SOUND: Developing Methods and Tools to Study Music-Related Body Movement” has been accepted for public disputation for the degree Philosopiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at the University of Oslo: Trial lecture: Wednesday 30 January, 16:15-17:00, Salen, ZEB Disputation: Thursday 31 January, 10:15, Gamle festsal, Sentrum The dissertation will be available to download from this website in a couple of weeks, and a couple of weeks before the disputation you may also get hold of one of the printed copies (for free) from the administration office of the department....

November 26, 2007 · 1 min · 112 words · ARJ

eLearning getting to UiO

I have been complaining about the poor support for eLearning solutions at the University of Oslo for some years. I have tried Fronter, but find it too closed and rigid for what I want to do. I like that course information is open and easily available for everyone, but so far the standard course pages have been very much focused on basic information only. I recently discovered that things have improved a lot under the surface, and that it is now possible to give students access to add information to folders under the course web sites....

September 10, 2007 · 1 min · 171 words · ARJ