Transformation on YouTube

Victoria Johnson has posted a video of the performance of our piece Transformation on Youtube: The video is from Victoria’s final performance as part of her research fellowship in the arts(PhD-equivalent), which happened Monday 28 March 2011 at the Norwegian Academy of Music. As I wrote earlier this year: Transformation a piece where we are using video analysis to control sound selection and spatialisation. We have been developing the setup and piece during the last couple of years, and performed variations of the piece at MIC, the Opera house and at the music academy last year....

November 28, 2011 · 1 min · 96 words · ARJ


Yesterday Miles Phillips{.url} suggested that the word “motionlessness” may be what I am after when it comes to describing the act of standing still. He further pointed me to a web site with a list of the world records for motionlessness. The rules to compete in motionlessness is as follows: The record is for continuously standing motionless. You must stand: sitting is not allowed. No facial movements are allowed other then the involuntary blinking of the eye....

November 10, 2011 · 2 min · 379 words · ARJ

The act of standing still: stillness or standstill?

](/images/2011/03/12stillstand_a_c7.jpg) As mentioned previously (here and here), I have been doing some experiments on standing still in silence. One thing is to do it, another is to talk (or write) about it. Then I need to have words describing what I have been doing. To start with the simple; the word silence seems to be quite clearly defined as the “lack of sound”, and is similar to the Norwegian word stillhet....

October 26, 2011 · 3 min · 504 words · ARJ

Standing still

In between organizing a little conference, teaching (MUS2006, MUS2860, MUS4830), and finalizing some publications, I have started a new research/artistic project with Kari Anne Bjerkestrand. I’ll write a lot more on this later, but for now I just wanted to share a plot from a motion capture recording of a single marker placed on my neck (C7). The recording is of me standing still in 10 minutes. Quite a lot of motion for someone standing still… To be continued....

March 21, 2011 · 1 min · 81 words · ARJ