Open Sound Control

The newly refurbished OSC forum web site has sparked off some discussions on the OSC_dev mailing list. One interesting note was a reply from Andy W. Schmeder on how OSC should be spelled out correctly: The short answer is, use “Open Sound Control”. The other form one may encounter is “OpenSound Control”, but we don’t use that anymore. Any additional forms you may encounter are probably unintentional. I have been using various versions over the years (also including OpenSoundControl), I guess this is then an official answer since Andy is working at CNMAT....

January 18, 2008 · 1 min · 93 words · ARJ

Paper version gone - Electronic version ready

The paper versions of my dissertation arrived late Friday, and I spent the following days burning 100 CD-ROMs to accompany them… The books were announced available yesterday morning, and all were gone around lunch time. If someone did not get their hands on the paper version, here is (finally) the link to the electronic version (8.1 MB). This is a file optimised for screen usage, so it is in RGB colours, and with internal and external hyperlinks....

January 10, 2008 · 1 min · 124 words · ARJ

Dissertation is printed!

My dissertation came from the printing company yesterday. Here’s a picture of some of them: It feels a bit weird to see the final book lying there, being the result of a year of planning and three years of hard work. I wrote most of it last spring, submitting the manuscript in July. Now, about half a year later, I have a much more distant relationship to the whole thing. Seeing the final result is comforting, but it is also sad to let go....

January 5, 2008 · 1 min · 133 words · ARJ

Challenges with dissertation printing

Time has come for preparing my dissertation for official printing. Luckily, I had done most of the formatting when creating the manuscript for the committee, so I expected an easy process. It hasn’t been too bad, but some challenges have appeared: CMYK: There are several years since I last had to deal with professional printing, so I had totally forgotten about the need for preparing all colour images in CMYK. Similarly, the people at the printing office asked me to convert all images that are supposed to appear in b/w to grayscale....

December 17, 2007 · 3 min · 446 words · ARJ

Coordinate systems

I am updating the GDIF messaging in the jmod.mouse module in Jamoma. Trond suggested to use the OpenGL convention for ranges and coordinate systems, which should give something like this: {width=“414” height=“270”} This means that values on the vertical axis would fall between [-1 1], while values on the horizontal axis would be dependent on the size of the screen. For my screen (1280x800) this gives a range of [-1.6 1....

December 11, 2007 · 1 min · 178 words · ARJ

PhD accepted for public disputation

I am happy to announce that my dissertation entitled “ACTION — SOUND: Developing Methods and Tools to Study Music-Related Body Movement” has been accepted for public disputation for the degree Philosopiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at the University of Oslo: Trial lecture: Wednesday 30 January, 16:15-17:00, Salen, ZEB Disputation: Thursday 31 January, 10:15, Gamle festsal, Sentrum The dissertation will be available to download from this website in a couple of weeks, and a couple of weeks before the disputation you may also get hold of one of the printed copies (for free) from the administration office of the department....

November 26, 2007 · 1 min · 112 words · ARJ

Bug Labs: Lego-like computer modules

Bug Labs has announced a new open source, Lego-like computer modules running Linux. The idea is to create hardware that can easily be assembled in various ways. Looks neat! {#p503 .imagelink}

November 6, 2007 · 1 min · 31 words · ARJ

Careers After Music Psychology

Richard Parncutt is asking for response from ex-music psychology students for the Careers After Music Psychology survey. If you have studied music psychology at any time (even if just one course), we would be grateful for about 20 minutes of your valuable time. Please participate regardless of whether or not your current occupation involves music or psychology in any way. This questionnaire aims to document the careers of ex-students of music psychology to inform current students of music psychology about career opportunities to develop career-oriented strategies for teaching music psychology to promote music psychology among potential employers I am very much looking forward to seeing the results of this research, and I hope (and expect) that they find people to end up in a wide range of disciplines....

October 25, 2007 · 1 min · 128 words · ARJ

Music Performance Research

I heard about the initiative last year at Music & Gesture 2 in Manchester, and now I see that the new online journal Music Performance Research is actually up and running. Music Performance Research is an international peer-reviewed journal that disseminates theoretical and empirical research on the performance of music. Its purpose is to disseminate research on the nature of music performance from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. The journal publishes contributions from all disciplines that are relevant to music performance, including archaeology, cultural studies, composition, computer science, education, ethnomusicology, history, medicine, music theory and analysis, musicology, philosophy, physics, psychology, neuroscience and sociology....

October 23, 2007 · 1 min · 115 words · ARJ

Radical Musicology

Radical Musicology is a peer-reviewed online journal produced in the International Centre for Music Studies at Newcastle University (UK). It was established to provide a forum for progressive thinking across the whole field of musical studies, and encourages work that draws on any and all relevant disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Sounds good, but will it actually manage to keep up to this goal? After browsing through the articles in the first volume, it does not appear particularly “radical”, but rather following along the tradition of new musicology....

October 3, 2007 · 1 min · 141 words · ARJ