Working with an Arduino Mega 2560 in Max

I am involved in a student project which uses some Arduino Mega 2560 sensor interfaces in an interactive device. It has been a while since I worked with Arduinos myself, as I am mainly working with Belas these days. Also, I have never worked with the Mega before, so I had to look around a little to figure out how to set it up with Cycling ‘74’s Max. I have previously used Maxuino for interfacing Arduinos with Max....

October 16, 2017 · 2 min · 373 words · ARJ

From Basic Music Research to Medical Tool

The Research Council of Norway is evaluating the research being done in the humanities these days, and all institutions were given the task to submit cases of how societal impact. Obviously, basic research is per definition not aiming at societal impact in the short run, and my research definitely falls into category.Still it is interesting to see that some of my basic research is, indeed, on the verge of making a societal impact in the sense that policy makers like to think about....

November 22, 2016 · 5 min · 866 words · ARJ

MultiControl on GitHub

](/images/2014/03/MultiControl_062.png) Screenshot of MultiControl v0.6.2 Today I have added MultiControl to my GitHub account. Inititally, I did not intend to release the source code for MultiControl, because it is so old and dirty. The whole patch is based on bpatchers and trying to hide things away in the pre-Max5-days, when presentation view did not exist. I originally developed the Max patch back in 2004, mainly so that I could distribute a standalone application for my students to use....

March 29, 2014 · 1 min · 208 words · ARJ

New publication: Non-Realtime Sonification of Motiongrams

Today I will present the paper Non-Realtime Sonification of Motiongrams at the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC) in Stockholm. The paper is based on a new implementation of my sonomotiongram technique, optimised for non-realtime use. I presented a realtime version of the sonomotiongram technique at ACHI 2012 and a Kinect version, the Kinectofon, at NIME earlier this year. The new paper presents the ImageSonifyer application and a collection of videos showing how it works....

August 1, 2013 · 2 min · 225 words · ARJ


I have recently started moving my development efforts over to GitHub, to keep everything in one place. Now I have also uploaded a small application I developed for a project by my mother, Norwegian sculptor Grete Refsum. She wanted to create a timelapse video of her making a new sculpture, “Hommage til kaffeselskapene”, for her installation piece Tante Vivi, fange nr. 24 127 Ravensbrück. There are lots of timelapse software available, but none of them that fitted my needs....

June 25, 2013 · 1 min · 184 words · ARJ


I am currently working on a paper describing some further exploration of the sonifyer technique and module that I have previously published on. The new thing is that I am now using the inputs from a Kinect device as the source material for the sonification, which opens up for using also the depth in the image as an element in the process. To be able to create figures for the paper, I needed to record the input from a Kinect to a regular video file....

January 22, 2013 · 2 min · 252 words · ARJ

MultiControl v.0.6.2

MultiControl is by far the most popular software application I have created, as can be seen in the web traffic here on my site, and also on the download site at the University of Oslo where the app resides. This is a tiny application that passes on data from a human interface device (mouse, game controller) through either OSC or MIDI. When I first created it back in 2004, there were not so many other options....

December 18, 2012 · 2 min · 270 words · ARJ

Performing with the Norwegian Noise Orchestra

Yesterday, I performed with the Norwegian Noise Orchestra at Betong in Oslo, at a concert organised by Dans for Voksne. The orchestra is an ad-hoc group of noisy improvisers, and I immediately felt at home. The performance lasted for 12 hours, from noon to midnight, and I performed for two hours in the afternoon. For the performance I used my Soniperforma patch based on the sonifyer technique and the Jamoma module I developed a couple of years ago (jmod....

December 13, 2012 · 1 min · 207 words · ARJ

Teaching in Aldeburgh

I am currently in beautiful Aldeburgh, a small town on the east coast of England, teaching at the Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme together with Rolf Wallin and Tansy Davies. This post is mainly to summarise the things I have been going through, and provide links for various things. Theoretical stuff My introductory lectures went through some of the theory of an embodied understanding of the experience of music. One aspect of this theory that I find very relevant for the development of interactive works is what I call action-sound relationships....

September 5, 2012 · 4 min · 703 words · ARJ

Paper #1 at SMC 2012: Evaluation of motiongrams

Today I presented the paper Evaluating how different video features influence the visual quality of resultant motiongrams at the Sound and Music Computing conference in Copenhagen. Abstract Motiongrams are visual representations of human motion, generated from regular video recordings. This paper evaluates how different video features may influence the generated motiongram: inversion, colour, filtering, background, lighting, clothing, video size and compression. It is argued that the proposed motiongram implementation is capable of visualising the main motion features even with quite drastic changes in all of the above mentioned variables....

July 12, 2012 · 1 min · 166 words · ARJ