Motiongram of high-speed violin bowing

I came across a high-speed recording of bowing on a violin string today, and thought it would be interesting to try to analyze it with the new version of the Musical Gestures Toolbox for Python. This is inspired by results from the creation of motiongrams of a high-speed guitar recording that I did some years ago. Here is the original video: From this I generated the following motion video: And from this we get the following motiongram showing the vertical motion of the string (time running from left to right):...

January 24, 2020 · 1 min · 108 words · ARJ

Hi-speed guitar recording

I was in Hamburg last week, teaching at the International Summer Shool in Systematic Musicology (ISSSM). While there, I was able to test a newly acquired high-speed video camera (Phantom V711) at the Department of Musicology. ](/images/2012/08/2012-08-08-DSCN4127.jpg) The beautiful building of the Department of Musicology in Hamburg. ](/images/2012/08/2012-08-09-DSCN4152.jpg) They have some really cool drawings in the ceiling at the entrance of the Department of Musicology in Hamburg. Master student Niko Plath was friendly enough to set aside some time to set up the system and do a test recording....

August 13, 2012 · 3 min · 593 words · ARJ