Ball State University Interactive Wireless Sculpture

Ball State University Interactive Wireless Sculpture is an outdoor interactive digital installation interpreting the wireless data infrastructure at Ball State University. Beginning the evening of April 18 and running through April 19, this digital media sculpture, consisting of 4 projection screens, computers, speakers and lights, will broadcast interactive media that reacts to the amount of traffic on the campus’ 15 wireless zones. The sculpture will contain its own wireless access points, sensing local interactions of viewers using wireless devices....

April 20, 2006 · 1 min · 167 words · ARJ


Last week I participated in the Teatrix workshop organized by BEK at USF Verftet in Bergen. The idea was to explore technology in a stage setting. The people participating were: Paola Tognazzi, H.C. Gilje, Gisle Frøysland, Marie Nerland, Trond Lossius, Thorolf Thuestad, Tim Place, Iver Findlay, Linda Birkedal, Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Georges Gagneré, Anders Gogstad. The most interesting for me was the chance to work together with Tim Place and Trond Lossius on Jamoma, and during the week we had the chance to discuss and develop quite a lot....

April 2, 2006 · 1 min · 149 words · ARJ

Daniel Rozin Wooden Mirrors

Daniel Rozin has made some Wooden Mirrorsfrom various materials. Any person standing in front of one of these pieces is instantly reflected on its surface. The mechanical mirrors all have video cameras, motors and computers on board and produce a soothing sound as the viewer interacts with them.

March 29, 2006 · 1 min · 48 words · ARJ


The Fogscreen is a new invention which makes objects seem to appear and move in thin air! It is a screen you can walk through! The FogScreen is created by using a suspended fog generating device, there is no frame around the screen. The installation is easy: just replace the conventional screen with FogScreen. You don´t need to change anything else - it works with standard video projectors.The fog we are using is dry, so it doesn’t make you wet even if you stay under the FogScreen device for a long time....

March 24, 2006 · 1 min · 117 words · ARJ


sCrAmBlEd?HaCkZ! is a Realtime-Mind-Music-Video-Re-De-Construction-Machine. It is a conceptual software which makes it possible to work with samples in a completely new way by making them available in a manner that does justice to their nature as concrete musical memories.

March 17, 2006 · 1 min · 39 words · ARJ


{#p94 .imagelink}traer.physics is a particle system physics engine for the Processing video programming environment. The user community of Processing seems to be growing rapidly these days, and from my few tests of the language it seems to be stable and efficient. Would be interesting to see if it is possible to combine Processing with Max/MSP/Jitter. OSC is one option, but it would be nice if someone made a wrapper so that it could be possible to run Processing from a Max object....

February 20, 2006 · 1 min · 82 words · ARJ

Quartz Composer

I just got to know about Apple’s Quartz Composer, which has been hiding secretly on my computer for a long time (it is installed with the developer’s tools). Found some great examples from Futurismo Zugakousaku, which really shows the power of the system.

January 23, 2006 · 1 min · 43 words · ARJ