Many researchers have requirements for publishing their articles Open Access. However, what that means in terms of licensing may be unclear to many. Two common options are CC-BY (Attribution) and CC-BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives). Here is why you should choose CC-BY over CC-BY-NC-ND.

Creative Commons licenses

Creative Commons licenses are a set of public copyright licenses that enable creators to grant the public permission to use their creative works under specified conditions. These licenses provide a standardized way for authors, artists, and other creators to share their work while retaining some control over how it is used. There are many types of Creative Commons licenses, each with different combinations of permissions and restrictions. By using these licenses, creators can facilitate the free distribution and use of their work, promoting greater access to knowledge and creativity.

What is CC-BY?

The CC-BY license allows others to:

  • Share: Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
  • Adapt: Remix, transform and build upon the material for any commercial purpose.

The only requirement is that they give appropriate credit to the original author. This is common practice in academic research, but it is nice to formalize it in a license.

What is CC-BY-NC-ND?

The CC-BY-NC-ND license is more restrictive. It allows others to:

  • Share: Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

However, they cannot:

  • Adapt: Remix, transform or build upon the material.
  • Use commercially: Use the material for commercial purposes.

The latter is more problematic than many researchers realize. Many researchers will be hesitant to let large companies use their research to earn money (but they will still need to attribute you). However, this also hinders researchers from using material from private universities or research institutes.

Benefits of Choosing CC-BY

I always recommend using the CC-BY license. It provides more flexibility for users than CC-BY-NC-ND. This includes adapting and reusing the material in various contexts, including educational materials, derivative research, and commercial products.

More flexibility may lead to more collaboration since others can freely use and adapt your work, which can lead to new research partnerships.

More collaboration may ultimately lead to greater impact since the material (including name and affiliation) can be used more and in more contexts.

While CC-BY-NC-ND offers more control over how your work is used, it also limits potential reach and impact. Choosing CC-BY can enhance your academic work’s visibility, usability, and influence, fostering a more open and collaborative research environment.