I have not been very good at blogging recently. This is not because nothing is happening, but rather because so much is happening that I don’t have time to write about it.

One of these things is the startup of RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion, that I am co-directing with Anne Danielsen. We got the funding last year, and have spent the year in planning, preparing and now executing the startup. This includes moving to a different building - Harald Schjelderups Hus - on the northwest corner of the Blindern campus.

The fourMs lab is also moving, and right now everything is in boxes while we are waiting for the construction work to be done. Meanwhile, the new MCT master’s programme is moving into the old facilities of the fourMs lab, a very nice re-use of a great lab space.

What is almost in place, however, is my new office. After several days of packing, all my stuff was moved today, and I am looking forwards to getting everything set up. alt text