I recently mentioned that I have been busy setting up the new MCT master’s programme. But I have been even more busy with preparing the startup of our new Centre of Excellence RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion. This is a large undertaking, and a collaboration between researchers from musicology, psychology and informatics. A visual “abstract” of the centre can be seen in the figure to the right.
Now we are recruiting lots of new people for the centre, so please apply or forward to people you think may be interested:
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Doctoral Research Fellowship in Interdisciplinary Music Research at the Department of Musicology{.item-title} {.item-description}
Doctoral Research Fellowship in Musical Microrhythm in Jazz{.item-title} {.item-description}
Doctoral Research Fellowship in Rhythm and Musical Form{.item-title} {.item-description}
Doctoral Research Fellowship in Rhythm in Sample-based Music{.item-title} {.item-description}
Doctoral Research Fellowships in Artificial Intelligence on Musical/Human/Robotic Rhythm{.item-title} {.item-description}
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Machine Learning on Time Series Data{.item-title} {.item-description}
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Music Information Retrieval{.item-title} {.item-description}
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships in Neuroimaging, 1-2 positions{.item-title} {.item-description} {.topDepartmentName}