I had a discussion about which software tools I use for my research, so here is a list of the most important (in no particular order):
- Firefox: with adblock and mouse gestures.
- NetNewsWire: for handling all the blogs I am reading.
- MarsEdit: to write blog entries. Publishes directly to my WordPress driven blog.
- OmniGraffle: for making diagrams. I even made my last conference poster with this program, works great also with photos.
- OmniPutliner: for making nested lists of everything
- BibDesk: for handling all my references + linking all the relevant PDF-files.
- DevonThink Pro: for storing texts and PDFs of information. I also use the built-in AI-improved search tool for finding relevant stuff in my BibDesk library.
- TeXshop: for writing my dissertation. Greatly simplifies writing a LaTeX document.
- TextWrangler: for batch processing of text files.
- Max/MSP/Jitter: for all my programming needs.
And some web services that I couldn’t live without either:
- Google Scholar: for searching for documents. The best thing is that it even links to documents that the university have access to.
- Amazon: for finding boooks, browsing through them and getting bibliography information.
- CiteUlike: for extracting bibliography information automatically from various sources. The best thing is that it formats the reference as a bibTeX entry which I paste directly into BibDesk.
- WordPress: for handling my web page and blog.