{.imagelink}Choreographer Dawn Stoppiello and composer/media artist Mark Coniglio of Troika Ranch talked about their work. They are currently using EyesWeb for tracking, and Isadora for video and audio generation.
{#image204}Marc Downie presented his work developing tools for working with visuals in a dance context. He has been working with realtime motion capture on stage (both Vicon and Motion Analysis). He will release his Fluid system under GPL in October 2006. The main idea is to have a very flexible system, which at the same time is both text and visual programming, debugger, graphical interface and animation tool. The short videos he presented looked very interesting.
{.imagelink}Presentation of “This is my house” by Myriam Gourfink (choreography), Kasper Toeplitz (music) and Rémy Muller (electronics). Myriam Gourfink presented her own dance notation system which is relative and takes the body joints as point of departure.